Monday, August 26, 2019

Media Project

This project was a nice challenge for creativity. I try to be creative in everyday life and in my own home, but it was quite challenging when given the case of Joe and the media of pipe cleaners. I was forced to think creatively and out side of the box. I wanted to give Joe a solution to lower body dressing while still providing the just right challenge. The ideas I kept thinking of would have all worked wonderfully for someone with sensory or fine motor deficits. Joe's main concern was the need for full assistance when lower body dressing. It took me a while to come up with something that Joe could use in performing his occupations. Finally, I came up with a way to use pipe cleaners for lower body dressing! The most meaningful and useful thing learned was to not limit myself or my creativity. No matter what resources you have, there is always something that can be made. Pipe cleaners were less than $1 and I was able to create something to assist in lower body dressing. I also learned that thinking yourself is the best way to become more creative. Sometimes I would resort to Pinterest for inspiration but I could not find anything. It made me realize that I can be creative and use these skills to help my future clients.

While working on this project, I learned how to become more creative and use things around the house to be meaningful to a client. Interventions do not always have to be pretty, expensive or even fun to look at. They just have to get the job done. Thats how my pipe cleaner dressing aid is. It isn't perfect but it is unique. I learned a lot about the use peers to encourage creative thoughts and ideas. As a future OT, I will feel more comfortable and confident when faced with a challenging situation. I can use almost any resource for something outside of its intended purpose. This assignment will challenge me in my furniture clinical work but has also made me more confident as I begin my career.

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