Monday, August 19, 2019

Neuro Note #3

Katherine Wolf was a 26 year old new mom when her life changed forever. She was in the height of happiness with the birth of her first child and her husband about to graduate from law school. She was in the kitchen one morning and said she was feeling funny. She got her husband to call 911. When they got to the hospital the surgeon told her husband she would not survive. However, she did! She suffered a stroke in her brain stem due to a congenital malformation she was unaware of. We have learned in class about the brainstem and its importance. It controls breathing, heart rate and motor functions.

During surgery, they removed half of her cerebellum and intra cranial nerves. She was then in a coma for two months! This was a major life altering event. She was able to go back home and decided to live the life she was given to the best of her ability. She uses a cane and sometimes a wheelchair to walk or get around. She cannot drive. She talks about how she was just thankful she did not have to leave her son. Being a mom and wife are roles she values and makes up her identity. She did not let suffering a CVA take away from her performance in meaningful occupations. I chose this because it really inspired me and affected me watching this sweet young mom go through something so traumatic. She did not let it dampen her spirit. One thing Katherine said was very inspiring. She stated, "living as a mother with a disability is actually a profound gift because they're seeing life being broken and not perfect...".

She proceeded to have a second child named John. With her husband, they founded and started  working at Hope Heals. It is a  non profile ministry and their goal is to inspire and support other families with disabilities through faith. I highly recommend everyone watch their short video which can be found at I believe that if Katherine had just given up, she would have fallen into depression. It is an inspiration to keep going and adapt as needed to any curve balls life throws at you. She made the most of her situation and is changing the lives of other families through her ministry! I learned a lot from her about motivation and the importance of keeping meaningful occupations in your life after a life altering occurrence. With a support system and a good medical team, she is living her life to the best of her ability and is thankful for everyday.

 Retrieved From:

Bryant, K. (2019, July 25). 'Having a Stroke as a New Mom Changed Everything, but I'm Treating It 
Like a Gift'. Retrieved August 19, 2019, from

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